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Therapies are bespoke to each individual child and can be incorporated into their programme alongside other students or on a one to one basis. Staff use all the spaces throughout Elms Bank creatively to enable all students to access a sensory programme no matter which area of school they receive their education. We have a range of therapists that work with the school: Speech and Language, Occupational, Physio and Talking Therapists. 
Within our wellbeing curriculum we embrace a range of experiences that have therapeutic benefits and weave these into students’ provision where it is deemed appropriate. Examples of these are: Mindfulness, Talk About, Yoga and Pet therapy. 
The school has a large, well-stocked, sensory garden, a reflection garden, a multi-use games area, a full-sized football pitch and outside gym equipment for sensory programmes to be undertaken outside where appropriate.  

Additionally, the school has a range of internal facilities that enhance sensory programmes. 

Sensory Integration Room: 

Within our Specialist Provision department, we have a sensory resource room. The room contains sensory equipment, including a swing. This allows students to access specific equipment to aid their sensory diet programme.  

Hydrotherapy Pool: 

The state-of-the-art hydrotherapy pool is serviced by a range of changing rooms with integrated hoisting. It also has a light system installed to enhance sensory experiences.  

Sports Hall: 

Our sports hall is fully equipped with a climbing wall and trampolines.  

Sensory Light Room: 

Our new light room has interactive technology to promote the exploration of sensory experiences.