The Elms Bank Pathways & Learner Profiles
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The Elms Bank Pathways & Learning Approaches


Students are assessed on entry and placed within one of our five highly personalised pathways: Inspire, Explore, Nurture, Discover and Thrive. Each pathway has a bespoke curriculum and particular learning approach that enables all of our students to flourish.

Our curriculum is organised under 4 main themes: Core, Creative, Wellbeing and Life and Living Skills.

Throughout all pathways we build the curriculum around 6 main outcomes to ensure our students will:

  • Know themselves
  • Possess functional skills
  • Be independent
  • Be good communicators
  • Be curious learners
  • Be prepared for adulthood

Students very often transition into different pathways whilst they are at Elms Bank. We recognise that as our young people develop and grow, so does their need for different skills, learning approaches and experiences. We are a responsive provision and review individual students’ needs throughout their school career.

By clicking the links below, you can find out more detailed information about our pathway learner profiles:

If you have any queries regarding our curriculum please contact Mrs Cass on