Children residing in Bury are eligible to attend Elms Bank if they have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Pupils are referred to the school by the local authority and the majority of pupils join Elms Bank in Year 7, transferring from Millwood Primary Special School, as well as mainstream primary schools. However, some pupils with statements are referred if they encounter difficulties whilst attending mainstream high schools.
Elms Bank has a maximum intake of 340, spread across eight-year groups. Within this, there is discrete specialist provision for pupils with autistic spectrum disorders.
We are immensely proud of school and welcome parents to visit us on Open Days or by making an appointment with the SENDCO.
Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan, will be given a place at the school named on their EHCP.
Parents are only entitled to one appeal for an individual school each year. A re-appeal would only be considered if new evidence became available which could not have been made available at the original appeal hearing.
Parents are only entitled to one appeal for an individual school each year. A re-appeal would only be considered if new evidence became available which could not have been made available at the original appeal hearing.
Please contact the SEN team on 0161 253 5000 for further information about admissions to Elms Bank or visit Bury Council School Admissions using the link on the left side of the page. A copy of the Oak Learning Partnership Admissions Policy can also be found on the left side of the page.
Intake figures
- Our intake for 2020 was 49 places
- Our intake for 2021 was 49 places
- Our intake for 2022 was 45 places
- Our intake for 2023 was 56 places
To view our Virtual Tour of different elements of Elms Bank School please click on the 6 separate Video Links below to view each area.
- Classrooms
- Other Areas
- Break and Lunchtime Areas
- Pathways
- Animals
- Arrival at school
College Hub Transition
College Hub Virtual Tour
To view the College Hub Virtual Tour - click on the Video below: