Ofsted 2023
The quality of Education: Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes: Outstanding
Personal development: Outstanding
Leadership and management: Outstanding
Sixth form provision: Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes: Outstanding
Personal development: Outstanding
Leadership and management: Outstanding
Sixth form provision: Outstanding
Summary of key findings for parents and pupils
This is an outstanding school
- Pupils enjoy an abundance of rich and exciting opportunities at this school. The
school includes and values every pupil. There is a ‘can-do’ culture where staff ensure
that pupils, no matter what their special educational needs and/or disabilities
(SEND) are, take a full and active part in school life. - The school and the trust have ensured that pupils’ and staff’s well-being lie at the
heart of all that they do. - The curriculum is ambitious, and extremely well designed to meet pupils’ wide range
of needs. Teachers and staff adapt the curriculum to ensure that all pupils engage in
learning and achieve highly. - Reading is a priority in this school. All pupils enjoy daily reading. Pupils are
immersed in a language-rich environment. Staff use their phonic knowledge well to
support pupils at the early stage of reading. - The school is a calm and happy place. There is a strong focus on rewards and
praise. - The school goes above and beyond to promote and encourage the personal
development of pupils. - The school has a robust and highly effective careers programme that links
seamlessly with the work to prepare pupils for adulthood. In the sixth form, there is
a strong focus on students developing independence and life skills. - The school has developed strong partnerships with parents and carers to ensure
that pupils attend school regularly and achieve the best possible outcomes. - The Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and Trustees have ensured that there is challenge and accountability at all levels of management. A board of governors holds leaders to account effectively.
- The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
For the full report please use the link to the left of this page. You can also find our previous Ofsted report here.
Parent View
Parent View gives you the chance to tell us what you think about our school. Please use the link to the left of this page to register and complete the questionnaire.