Vocational Carousel
Vocational Carousel provides an opportunity for students to develop their voluntary/ work experience skills. Students will develop their learning in three areas, with a term in each. Currently these areas include hospitality, gym/ fitness and cafe.
Students in hospitality work in the professional kitchen. They work through a range of differentiated tasks to make the lunches for the college cohort. Students set up and dress appropriately in their work uniform and follow a job sequence. They will make and serve the meals at lunch time and will clear the kitchen/ bistro area afterwards.
Students in the cafe learn a range of skills linked to customer service, communication in an informal setting, serving, taking orders and using Functional English/ Maths skills appropriate to the workplace. Students set up a business enterprise and develop voluntary skills by making and serving drinks/ snacks in the local community.
Students in the gym/ fitness option develop personal fitness routines, show understanding of health and safety, become more aware of personal hygiene and linked issues. Students may be encouraged to shower/ maintain cleanliness after their workout. Students also have access to fitness classes where confident members of the student cohort will lead the exercises, as a personal trainer or coach. Communication and linked signing is encouraged to give a meaningful experience for all.