Product Design
Quality of Education
Developing independence is at the forefront of the Product Design curriculum. Students are encouraged to generate ideas independently and take in the influence of artists and designers around them. Communication and functional skills are essential in that pupils must co-operate with one another and be able to share/collaborate. Pupils must take care of themselves and be mindful of the Health and Safety of others also. Students must take ‘risks’ and be able to get ideas wrong and then improve them. This helps develop their resilience and ability to keep going when there are setbacks.
Discover Pathway: Students study Product Design at KS3 through the Creative curriculum delivered over 10 sessions per week. The Creative curriculum is a thematic approach and includes drama, music, art, computing, product design, humanities and science. The curriculum is designed to develop students’ knowledge, understanding, communication and independence skills through a variety of learning experiences and approaches. Focus is on sensory and behavioural regulation using behavioural resources and TEACH tasks to engage students and prepare for learning. Students are assessed within Speaking & Listening and they progress sequentially through progression levels and bridge, onto milestones, allowing them to develop a greater depth and understanding of the key aspects of the theme. At KS4, Students work towards Entry Level accreditations as part of a technology carousel.
SMSC: Product Design allows pupils to design and make useful products for others, for example a thermometer that shows how hot or cold a room is for an elderly person or a toothbrush holder that encourages young people to clean their teeth. They are able to reflect on the moral issues relating to litter (by making a litter picker) and apply their maths and literacy skills through applied activities that are supported throughout KS3 and 4. They are encouraged to work collaboratively sharing tools and equipment and take on responsibilities as Workshop Monitor to clear away and leave the resources in the right place.
CEIAG: Product design is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that draws together many of the other subjects that are studied in school. Learning is related to the pupils’ own interests and experiences.
Wellbeing: Product Design supports the development of positive learners by using the marking and feedback policy. Students aspire to achieve and respond positively to regular praise, use of stickers and stamps, pathway champions and postcards. Learning opportunities promote problem solving, reasoning and social opportunities to discuss solutions.
Values: The department supports the development of positive and resilient learners through the use of the marking and feedback policy. Learning is scaffolded into 3 differentiated ability levels (yellow – blue – pink) that allows for students to succeed and provide opportunities to try again. All students who study Product Design at KS4 work towards an external accreditation.