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Quality of Education


Developing creativity is at the forefront of the Art & Design curriculum. In a wider sense Art and Design is seen as a means of development of a wide range of practical and cognitive skills which allow innovation and personal development and an understanding of Art and Design within the context of society. Communication, problem solving and independence are also a key part of the art curriculum encouraging students to talk about and develop their own ideas and exploring ways to implement these effectively.

Art and Design is seen as a central element towards understanding and enjoyment of most areas of the school curriculum as well as a subject area in its own right. Cross curricular projects are welcomed and followed wherever possible. In turn, this provides them with opportunities to achieve ‘excellence for all’.


Dsicover Pathway: Students have 1 session of Art per week, exploring a range of skills and artists through half termly themes. Focus is on sensory and behavioural regulation using behavioural resources and TEACH tasks to engage students an prepare for learning. Learning is then built upon from the progression steps, through bridge and onto milestone levels through the scheme of learning. Students work towards Arts Award Discover accreditation at the end of KS4


Behaviour and Attitudes

Wellbeing: The Art department supports the development of positive learners by using the marking and feedback policy. Students aspire to achieve and respond positively to regular praise, use of stickers and stamps, pathway champions and postcards. Furthermore, taking part in Arts based activities develops student’s confidence and self-worth allowing them to express themselves and make connections with others.

Values: The Art department supports the development of positive and resilient learners through the use of the marking and feedback policy. Learning is scaffolded, modelled and revisited to allow for students to succeed and opportunities to try again. All students achieve external accreditation in Art & Design, differentiated across 5 pathways. They have opportunities to create artwork that is displayed around school, boosting students’ self-esteem and confidence.  Finally, students deepen their moral code in Art lessons through discussion of appropriate and relevant artwork, helping them to develop into students with integrity and a strong moral sense of right and wrong.  

Personal Development

SMSC: in Art we incorporate a range of critical and contextual influences and inspirations, covering a variety of cultures, beliefs, ideas and religions. Students are encouraged to appreciate that all cultures have expression, purpose and artistic worth. Students are encouraged to have an open mind when observing work allowing them to appreciate others viewpoints that may challenge their own beliefs. They are encouraged to give appropriate feedback to peers in a variety of ways, giving justification for their views. Students can apply this to their daily lives ensuring that they are able to voice opinions in the appropriate way. Pupils take part in a range of problem-solving activities. They are encouraged to work collaboratively, take on leadership roles and develop teamwork skills. Pupils are empowered to apply their Art skills and knowledge to the wider curriculum

Extra-Curricular: Opportunities are a key part of students learning and as such the Art department has a range of extracurricular activities on offer that are designed to consolidate the learning that takes place in lessons, introduce new skills and techniques and challenge and excite students. Students have the opportunity to visit art galleries or other places of interest linked to their learning. They take part in collaborative arts events such as the school performance and Christmas concert, helping behind the scenes with roles such as costumes, promotion, merchandise, etc. They also take part in in-house competitions and enterprise opportunities, such as the annual Christmas card design.

CEIAG: Art & Design is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that provides useful skills that support students in real life such as the ability to problem solve, communicate, understand and appreciate others as well as developing self-worth. Students have the opportunity to undertake learning related to real life, such as producing artwork to sell, involvement in the display of their own work and using their art skills in a real life setting such as prop design, poster design and merchandise for the school production and other events.