CEIAG (Careers, Education, Information, Advice, Guidance)
CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance)
Careers Education Information Advice Guidance
Students receive appropriate (Careers, Education, Information, Advice, Guidance CEIAG) to identify the most appropriate Post 19 destinations. Our curriculum prepares students for employment / volunteering, apprenticeships, further college study and/or preparation to transition into social care adult services, so that all students can go on to make a positive contribution and engage with their community.
Applied Learning
Applied Learning is a style of learning that equips and prepares our young people for life, learning and employment. It is an integral part of the curriculum and is instrumental in many aspects of the Elms Bank College pathways. Applied learning provides Relevant, Engaging, Active Learning (REAL) opportunities for students, from which they can build their knowledge and understanding of the world in which they live and develop the essential skills to reach their potential.
The school has an Applied Learning Lead. If you are a business or an organisation and what to get involved, please contact the Applied Learning Lead for more information:
Sam Bradford: Bradford.s@elmsbank.oaklp.co.uk
Emma Farnworth: Farnworth.E@elmsbank.oaklp.co.uk
Brian Lee at MPLOY
Elms Bank College
We offer a range of work experience opportunities including: our vocational provisions at College; placements within school; group visits and 1:1 supported placements within the local community. Placements are fully supported by staff in the first instance, to enable the students to grow in confidence and understand their role, giving them further independence and a sense of 'can do'.
These experiences take a variety of forms:
Site visits: These are real experiences where students can get hands on in a supermarket or bakery to get a sense of what happens.
Elms Bank School based: students get an opportunity to work in different parts of the school such as the school office, working with the site manager or in the school kitchens. We also have a number of small enterprises:
* The Bistro where students prepare and sell meals as part of whole school events
Elms Bank College
Yr 12 students are offered work experience for one day a week for an extended period, typically a term, or a term and a half. This gives the student a longer routine of work enabling them to become familiar with the process. These roles are ideal starter placements that allow for nurturing and support, where skills can be developed in a more relaxed environment.
In Yr13 this increases to 5 days a week for students following the Inspire Pathway. These placements typically last a term, or a term and a half. This enables students to get the fullest experience of having a full time role and regular routines. These roles are supported and include supermarkets, Children's Centres and office environments.
In Yr14 Inspire students have the opportunity to be assessed for a place on our 10 place Fairfield Hospital Internship. Here students choose three placements over the year. Placements are offered by departments who are able to offer paid employment at the end of the year. In 2018-19, our first year, 8/10 students gained paid employment, 1 continued on the internship, 1 moved to further college study.
The 5 Steps to Excellence system is used to track the impact of our careers programme and to measure success.
Further information on careers can be found at www.careermap.co.uk and www.nationalcareers.service.gov.uk.